Re: From Google and About Your Internet Success In 2010
While many marketers were trying to find out the magic pill to get ranked in, I was just taking my own sweet time optimizing my websites THE WAY Google want.
Download my secret source book (written by Google) by clicking here
This is what it says on the first page:
“Welcome to Google’s
That’s my secret for 2009 to top ranking in Will the stuff and requirements stay the same for 2010? I don’t know but I’m sure the fundamentals are still the same.
Let me share with you a few things before we jump to 2010 excitedly:
There are no secret to get ranked in Do what they want and they’ll ‘reward’ you. If you’ve done what you’re supposed to do and you still did not get what you want, the answer is simple - they probably think that you’re still not relevant enough. Then you can decide if you still wish to pursue (but I’ll normally quit) or change your plan to optimize for other keywords.
THAT’S IT. I still can’t understand why there are courses sold for thousands of dollars to teach SEO because there’s really nothing much to be taught. Heck, I just give you the BEST GUIDEBOOK for getting rank in since it’s straight from the horse’s mouth and I think that resource is more relevant than any SEO ebooks you can find in
Isn’t internet marketing and making money online the same too?
We try to find that magic formula or a magic button to press - just like the secret to getting rank in but we end up frustrated. Why? Because the guys selling the shovels are the ones making the big bucks, since most of them don’t even use their own shovels.
The truth is, you just
Do I have a magic formula or button? Today, yes, I have. I can press a button and make money instantly – that’s call a ‘mailing list’. My magic formula to sell online? I’ll just email some JV partners to promote my product.
My point is this - the magic button will ‘automatically’ appears in your life if you just spend the time to follow what are already proven. Isn’t that a relief? (smile)
Find a system that is proven to work (meaning, the guy teaching you should be doing what he’s teaching you) and just focus just on it.
Should you try to do many things at once? Yeah, if you can manage it. I mean, focus doesn’t means that you can’t do anything else anymore – there’s no rigid rule to that. It simply means knowing what you want and utilizing all of the resources you have to get that.
I’ll be opening 10 spots for our coaching program in 2010. If you want to work with us at personal level, fill-in your quick application now at The coaching program is not cheap but it’ll worth your investment because this can be your ultimate ticke to internet success, starting from 2010 onwards.
Wishing you a fantastic New Year in 2010!
Warm regards,
Patric Chan
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