Friday, January 1, 2010

Google and Your Int Success in 2010

Re: From Google and About Your Internet Success In 2010


While many marketers were trying to find out the magic pill to get ranked in, I was just taking my own sweet time optimizing my websites THE WAY Google want.

Download my secret source book (written by Google) by clicking here

This is what it says on the first page:

“Welcome to Google’s Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide. This document first began as an effort to help teams within Google, but we thought it’d be just as useful to webmasters that are new to the topic of search engine optimization and wish to improve their sites’ interaction with both users and search engines. Although this guide won’t tell you any secrets that’ll automatically rank your site first for queries in Google (sorry!), following the best practices outlined below will make it easier for search engines to both crawl and index your content.”

That’s my secret for 2009 to top ranking in Will the stuff and requirements stay the same for 2010? I don’t know but I’m sure the fundamentals are still the same.

Let me share with you a few things before we jump to 2010 excitedly:

There are no secret to get ranked in Do what they want and they’ll ‘reward’ you. If you’ve done what you’re supposed to do and you still did not get what you want, the answer is simple - they probably think that you’re still not relevant enough. Then you can decide if you still wish to pursue (but I’ll normally quit) or change your plan to optimize for other keywords.

THAT’S IT. I still can’t understand why there are courses sold for thousands of dollars to teach SEO because there’s really nothing much to be taught. Heck, I just give you the BEST GUIDEBOOK for getting rank in since it’s straight from the horse’s mouth and I think that resource is more relevant than any SEO ebooks you can find in

Isn’t internet marketing and making money online the same too?

We try to find that magic formula or a magic button to press - just like the secret to getting rank in but we end up frustrated. Why? Because the guys selling the shovels are the ones making the big bucks, since most of them don’t even use their own shovels. :-)

The truth is, you just need to know real marketing concepts and apply them - find a market, create value, present a great offer, sales funnel and all of that good stuff.

Do I have a magic formula or button? Today, yes, I have. I can press a button and make money instantly – that’s call a ‘mailing list’. My magic formula to sell online? I’ll just email some JV partners to promote my product.

My point is this - the magic button will ‘automatically’ appears in your life if you just spend the time to follow what are already proven. Isn’t that a relief? (smile)

Find a system that is proven to work (meaning, the guy teaching you should be doing what he’s teaching you) and just focus just on it.

Should you try to do many things at once? Yeah, if you can manage it. I mean, focus doesn’t means that you can’t do anything else anymore – there’s no rigid rule to that. It simply means knowing what you want and utilizing all of the resources you have to get that.

I’ll be opening 10 spots for our coaching program in 2010. If you want to work with us at personal level, fill-in your quick application now at The coaching program is not cheap but it’ll worth your investment because this can be your ultimate ticke to internet success, starting from 2010 onwards.

Wishing you a fantastic New Year in 2010!

Warm regards,

Patric Chan

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tax Tips for Internet Marketers


internet marketing taxesIt’s the last day of 2009, which means tax season is just around the corner. That is a good thing for some and a bad thing for others. Whether it’s good or bad for you, one thing’s for sure, you NEED to be sure you claim all of your yearly business expenses!!

(NOTE: I am not a certified financial adviser of any kind! Always consult with a CPA or some sort of finance professional before putting any advice I provide into action.)

Hopefully you kept track of your incoming and outgoing for the entire year. I know I DIDN’T my first year online and because of that the following tax season was a total nightmare! I learned from that and recorded every single incoming and outgoing transaction from that year on and started paying taxes quarterly and now tax season is a breeze!

Here is a list of the tax deductions that I claim for my online business:

Computer – Duh ;) If you bought a computer in 2009 you better claim it as a business expense! The same goes for extra monitors, computer desk(s,) chair(s,) printers etc.

Internet fees – I work at home, so the Internet usage is shared between business and home. I figure I use it 80% of the time for business, so I add up what I paid the entire year for Internet, take away 20% (personal use) and what’s left I claim as a business expense.

Ebooks, scripts, software – Yep, ebooks are education and scripts, software etc. are necessary and legitimate business expenses.

Hosting & Domain Registration – With most Internet Marketing business models, you can’t even run your business without a domain and hosting. Once again, very legitimate and you should definitely be claiming it as a business expense!

Seminars – I’m not much of a seminar goer, so this isn’t one I’ll be claiming, but if you went to any Internet Marketing seminars, they are absolutely tax deductible!

– Video cameras and other devices – If you did any video in 2009 and needed a video camera, webcam, digital camera etc. that’s also a business expense that should be claimed.

Outsourcing – This SHOULD be one of your biggest expenses! Outsourcing is a powerful business accelerator, so you should be outsourcing. No matter what it is you’re outsourcing (writing, coding, general work) if it relates to your business it’s a tax deduction.

That’s all I can come up with off the top of my head, but I’m sure there are more. Basically, anything that you spent money on, which was used in your business during the year should be deducted!

DON’T be afraid to claim something! If you don’t claim it, that’s money that you’re just throwing away… just giving to the government.

img credit: brianjmatis

osted from Josh Spaulding

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wordpress Plugin Used

Repost of recommended site....

Jim Westergren
A blog about me, my projects, SEO, Web Development and Personal Development.
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Jim Westergren
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WordPress Plugins Used
Here are the Plugins that I currently use on this blog and I like them a lot.
Link to Me Textbox by Jim WestergrenThis plugin will set up a “link to me textbox” with HTML code in your blog posts and increase your search engine rankings.

Exec-PHP by Sören WeberExecutes code in your posts, pages and text widgets.
Related Posts by Alexander Malov & Mike LuReturns a list of the related entries based on active/passive keyword matches.

Math Comment Spam Protection by Michael WoehrerThis kills ALL non-human comment spam. Ask the visitor making the comment to answer a simple math question. This is intended to prove that the visitor is a human being and not a spam robot. Example of such question: What is the sum of 2 and 9?

Post Templates by Category by Kaf OseoUse custom single post templates for specified categories.

Subscribe To Comments by Mark Jaquith and Jennifer (ScriptyGoddess)Allows readers to recieve notifications of new comments that are posted to an entry

Get Recent Comments by Krischan JodiesDisplay the most recent comments or trackbacks with your own formatting in the sidebar.

Socializer Plugin by Anders BergmanAdd socializer to your Wordpress Posts. Socializer is way to submit your post to all of the social bookmark networks at once. It include 37 social bookmark networks (digg,, furl, reddit, backflip, kinja… just to name a few).

WP Category Posts by Brian GroceList the posts in a specific category. (I revised the file a bit, credits to Brian Groce and CrazySerb)

Comment Count, Post Count and Last Modified by Nick MomrikDisplays the date and time that the post/page was last modified. Outputs the total number of posts. Counts the total number of comments.

WP-ContactForm by Ryan Duff [His site is offline, download the plugin here.]WP Contact Form is a drop in form for users to contact you. It can be implemented on a page or a post.
My comments by Martin MortensenMakes it possible to style your own comments in a different manner than other comments.

wp-cache by Ricardo Galli GranadaVery fast cache module. It’s composed of several modules, this plugin can configure and manage the whole system. Once enabled, go to “Options” and select “WP-Cache”.
FeedBurner FeedSmith by FeedBurnerOriginally authored by Steve Smith, this plugin detects all ways to access your original WordPress feeds and redirects them to your FeedBurner feed so you can track every possible subscriber.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Twitter Ramblings I like.......A Repost

Repost.........Twitter is a funny thing.It's a boomerang: what you throw out there comes right backatcha!And it is a mirror: what you feel and believe is reflected back even faster than in other parts of life.Twitter is a wishing well: whatever I want in the morning always appears in my stream usually within minutes. Let me give you some examples of what I mean:
I have had instances of being on the phone with my partner, working through a work related issue for example and a tweet appears on my stream just after he spoke, repeating nearly word for word what he just told me!

Or I have had down days, you know, low energy, feeling aimless and one of three friends will swoop in and pick me right up (you know who you are!) as soon as I say Good morning, before I even stated my mood or need. I may not interact with them for days. But somehow they know to talk to me when I need them. I am creating real community on Twitter, as supportive and loving as in my small town!

I woke up one morning thinking "I wish I could meet people who practice Reiki with their kids" and that day I met Alice Langholt of @ReikiAwakening, who is an amazing Reiki Mom, Reiki Master, internet entrepreneur and now also a powerful agent of change in my life. Whenever I become famous we'll have to remember what I am telling you today and credit her for it!

I have met my website designer, my coaches and my practice development mentors thanks to Twitter if not directly on Twitter.
Twitter has provided me with so many things over the past three months:
the best therapy evera cafe where I hang out with friends for tea and a chata cabaret: some of those tweeple are FU_NNY!a library full of amazing resources with kind helpful librarians,a search engine on ANY subject I could ever imagine,a peer support group for me as a healer and therapist,a marketing class,company for my bouts of insomniathe company of people outside of my lovely old fashioned town who think like mean endless source of POSITIVE THINKINGso many great quotes to inspire me dailyaccess to famous, successful, busy people I would never normally come close toa social commentarybetter, faster news than on televisiontravel documentaryaccess to people from ALL OVER THE WORLD, in an instantand of course the ability to be deep in 140 characters!

So it got me thinking: what is it about Twitter that makes it the best cafe-library-Google-therapist-travel agent ever?
Twitter is Quantum Chaos!
There are so many people on Twitter, 24/7, from all over the world, in every time zone, thinking so many different things (because most of them are crazy multi-tasking creative trend-setters) simultaneously that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. There are so many potential interactions, cross-references, so much happening all at once that if I wish for something, someone in my stream can deliver it to me instantly or maybe in a couple of hours.
Sounds like quantum chaos? I think so!

Particles (Tweeples) that randomly appears 'out of nowhere' , interact with each other and exchange energy in a way that is temporary, virtual and uncertain to exchange information and CREATE new energy fields? It sounds like quantum entanglement and it also describes Twitter very well! Tweeple come and go, like subatomic matter moving in and out of the Zero Point Field. Each tweet creates a tiny amount of energy but added together, they produce an infinite amount of energy!

Just like in the field quantum aggregates around conscious intelligence, around intention, on Twitter thought also aggregates around intention. What I want now or need to know creates itself around my intention. But it's fleeting. The next second someone else's intention creates a different pattern around themselves and I am happy to be a part of that and provide them with what they desire. So uncertainty is another characteristic Twitter shares with the quantum field.

And what about entanglement? What if once you have communicated meaningfully with someone on Twitter you are forever linked on the subatomic level in this holographic universe of ours. Have you thought about that? Have you REALLY thought about the possibility of hope for peace through collective work and through entrainment with people of good will, create daily, one 140 character tweet at a time?
Twitter is permanent motion,constant energy vibrating through time and space,illusion and reality all in one.And on Twitter we are all in One,creating a dynamic reality.
I find that the more quantum energy work I do, the faster what I wish for appears in my life generally. But on Twitter it's pretty much instant magic! This is what I tweeted on 4:34 PM May 8th from web: "Twitter is officially my Magic World. Where the best most joyful things happen!! HA-PPY!"

What is YOUR experience of Twitter? Share it with me in your comments!
PS You can contact Alice here:
Posted by Sophie Lhoste at 3:07 AM 12 comments Labels: entanglement, practical applications of quantum field theory, Twitter