Saturday, May 30, 2009

Twitter Ramblings I like.......A Repost

Repost.........Twitter is a funny thing.It's a boomerang: what you throw out there comes right backatcha!And it is a mirror: what you feel and believe is reflected back even faster than in other parts of life.Twitter is a wishing well: whatever I want in the morning always appears in my stream usually within minutes. Let me give you some examples of what I mean:
I have had instances of being on the phone with my partner, working through a work related issue for example and a tweet appears on my stream just after he spoke, repeating nearly word for word what he just told me!

Or I have had down days, you know, low energy, feeling aimless and one of three friends will swoop in and pick me right up (you know who you are!) as soon as I say Good morning, before I even stated my mood or need. I may not interact with them for days. But somehow they know to talk to me when I need them. I am creating real community on Twitter, as supportive and loving as in my small town!

I woke up one morning thinking "I wish I could meet people who practice Reiki with their kids" and that day I met Alice Langholt of @ReikiAwakening, who is an amazing Reiki Mom, Reiki Master, internet entrepreneur and now also a powerful agent of change in my life. Whenever I become famous we'll have to remember what I am telling you today and credit her for it!

I have met my website designer, my coaches and my practice development mentors thanks to Twitter if not directly on Twitter.
Twitter has provided me with so many things over the past three months:
the best therapy evera cafe where I hang out with friends for tea and a chata cabaret: some of those tweeple are FU_NNY!a library full of amazing resources with kind helpful librarians,a search engine on ANY subject I could ever imagine,a peer support group for me as a healer and therapist,a marketing class,company for my bouts of insomniathe company of people outside of my lovely old fashioned town who think like mean endless source of POSITIVE THINKINGso many great quotes to inspire me dailyaccess to famous, successful, busy people I would never normally come close toa social commentarybetter, faster news than on televisiontravel documentaryaccess to people from ALL OVER THE WORLD, in an instantand of course the ability to be deep in 140 characters!

So it got me thinking: what is it about Twitter that makes it the best cafe-library-Google-therapist-travel agent ever?
Twitter is Quantum Chaos!
There are so many people on Twitter, 24/7, from all over the world, in every time zone, thinking so many different things (because most of them are crazy multi-tasking creative trend-setters) simultaneously that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. There are so many potential interactions, cross-references, so much happening all at once that if I wish for something, someone in my stream can deliver it to me instantly or maybe in a couple of hours.
Sounds like quantum chaos? I think so!

Particles (Tweeples) that randomly appears 'out of nowhere' , interact with each other and exchange energy in a way that is temporary, virtual and uncertain to exchange information and CREATE new energy fields? It sounds like quantum entanglement and it also describes Twitter very well! Tweeple come and go, like subatomic matter moving in and out of the Zero Point Field. Each tweet creates a tiny amount of energy but added together, they produce an infinite amount of energy!

Just like in the field quantum aggregates around conscious intelligence, around intention, on Twitter thought also aggregates around intention. What I want now or need to know creates itself around my intention. But it's fleeting. The next second someone else's intention creates a different pattern around themselves and I am happy to be a part of that and provide them with what they desire. So uncertainty is another characteristic Twitter shares with the quantum field.

And what about entanglement? What if once you have communicated meaningfully with someone on Twitter you are forever linked on the subatomic level in this holographic universe of ours. Have you thought about that? Have you REALLY thought about the possibility of hope for peace through collective work and through entrainment with people of good will, create daily, one 140 character tweet at a time?
Twitter is permanent motion,constant energy vibrating through time and space,illusion and reality all in one.And on Twitter we are all in One,creating a dynamic reality.
I find that the more quantum energy work I do, the faster what I wish for appears in my life generally. But on Twitter it's pretty much instant magic! This is what I tweeted on 4:34 PM May 8th from web: "Twitter is officially my Magic World. Where the best most joyful things happen!! HA-PPY!"

What is YOUR experience of Twitter? Share it with me in your comments!
PS You can contact Alice here:
Posted by Sophie Lhoste at 3:07 AM 12 comments Labels: entanglement, practical applications of quantum field theory, Twitter